says that 46% of people looking for work think that the culture of the company is an important factor in their decision to apply for a job. 88% of job seekers also think that the culture of the company is at least somewhat important. In today’s business environment, culture is everything.

So if you are planning to build the right culture, start with your employees and try to understand where they stand in terms of company culture. 

What Exactly is Company Culture?

Company culture is made up of an organization's shared views, values, and practices that make it what it is and shape the place where people work. It changes how workers feel about their jobs, how they connect with each other, and how they see their workplace. The organization's purpose, basic beliefs, communication style, and approach to diversity and inclusion are all important parts of its culture. The company's leadership style, management methods, and rules on work-life balance and professional growth make this clear. A strong business culture gives workers a feeling of purpose, connection, and harmony, which boosts their drive, productivity, and general happiness.

Company culture is always changing and growing. Leaders can work to shape it or let it happen naturally based on how everyone acts and thinks. It is affected by things inside and outside the company, like changes in leadership, market trends, and shifts in the business. By promoting a positive and welcoming culture, businesses can make a place where workers can do their best, make a real difference, and help the company reach its goals.

Why Is Company Culture So Important?

Company culture is critically important because it fundamentally shapes the environment within which employees work. Below are some reasons why company culture holds such significance.

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

A positive company culture is crucial for fostering employee engagement and satisfaction. Employees who feel aligned with the workplace culture and believe in its values are more likely to be emotionally invested in their work. This investment leads to higher levels of commitment, innovation, and productivity. A supportive culture promotes authenticity at work, enhancing overall happiness and job satisfaction. Moreover, employees who are engaged and believe in the company's purpose are often more willing to go the extra mile, which significantly benefits the organization.

Talent Attraction and Retention

Company culture plays a pivotal role in attracting top talent and retaining current employees. In today’s competitive job market, cultural fit is often a top criterion for job seekers. A company known for its positive culture can attract candidates who share its values and objectives. Furthermore, a nurturing culture helps retain employees by making them feel valued and supported, reducing turnover rates and saving costs associated with recruiting and training new hires. Strong company culture also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie, helping to develop lasting relationships and deep loyalty to the company.

Organizational Performance

A thriving company culture is indispensable for enhancing organizational performance. It creates an environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and open communication, making problem-solving and decision-making more efficient. Employees encouraged by a positive culture are motivated to excel and learn from setbacks, fostering a growth mindset. Conversely, a negative culture can impede performance, affecting employee morale and productivity. Addressing cultural issues and fostering a positive work environment are crucial for achieving organizational success.

Brand Reputation

Company culture significantly influences the organization’s internal and external brand reputation. A positive work environment enhances the employer brand, attracting top talent and providing a competitive edge in the marketplace. Employees who feel valued are likely to become brand ambassadors, positively impacting the company’s reputation among partners, clients, and other stakeholders. Conversely, a negative perception of the company culture can damage loyalty and trust, underscoring the importance of investing in a healthy and vibrant company culture.

Adaptability and Resilience

A robust company culture is essential for enhancing adaptability and resilience within an organization. A strong culture facilitates effective response to challenges and embraces change. Employees in a supportive environment feel empowered to innovate and take calculated risks. A culture that prioritizes continuous learning and improvement helps employees adapt to new tools, market trends, and evolving customer needs, keeping the company competitive and primed for new opportunities. Cultivating a culture of adaptability and resilience positions a company for long-term success in an increasingly volatile and complex world.

51 Must-Ask Company Culture Survey Questions

Culture is the backbone of every organization that plans to stay successful. Here are some of the must-ask questions during culture surveys in your organization:

Workplace Environment and Culture

  1. What is your impression of our company's culture as a whole?
  2. Are you satisfied with how the company regards you and what you've accomplished?
  3. How pleased are you with your job? Please rate it from 1 to 10.
  4. How well do you think your job fits in with the overall goals and principles of the organization?
  5. In your opinion, how open is the company's communication process?
  6. In your opinion, how effective is the company's policy on fostering a healthy workplace?
  7. Does your affiliation with the firm fill you with pride?

Communication and Feedback

  1. Is it easy for you to provide comments to your boss or supervisor? 
  2. What is the frequency with which you get acknowledged for your efforts?
  3. In your opinion, how effective is the level of collaboration and teamwork on your team?
  4. In your opinion, is the company actively working to promote diversity and inclusion?
  5. In what ways does the organization encourage a mindset of always striving to achieve better?

Try out this company culture template for free.

Schedule this survey as and when you wish, add survey collaborators and champions of your choice, and get survey responses organized into easy-to-interpret charts and visuals.

ThriveSparrow's Engagement Trend Chart
ThriveSparrow's Trend Chart on engagement across departments organized from survey responses.

Career Development and Opportunities

  1. Is there a fair opportunity for progression and growth inside the organization?
  2. How would you rate the company's efforts to help you grow professionally?
  3. In your opinion, is there transparent and honest communication between teams and departments?
  4. In your opinion, how effectively does the organization handle change and new obstacles?

Employee Well-being and Support

  1. In your present position, how would you rate the balance between work and personal life?
  2. To what extent do you think the organization cares about the physical and emotional well-being of its employees?
  3. How would you rate the office space, amenities, and overall physical work environment?
  4. In your opinion, how often and how well are performance reviews conducted?
  5. In what ways does the organization help its employees feel like they belong?

Leadership and Management

  1. What kind of response do you think you get from management when you bring up problems or concerns at work?
  2. How good at prioritizing and defining objectives is the leadership group?
  3. In your opinion, how does the organization handle diversity and inclusion?
  4. In terms of both the quantity and quality of information shared by your management, how happy are you?

Compensation and Recognition

  1. Do you believe that your coworkers and classmates are there to assist you?
  2. In your opinion, how effective is the company's system for identifying and rewarding exceptional work?
  3. What do you think of your salary and benefits package?
  4. Is the structure and frequency of company-wide meetings and updates satisfactory to you?
  5. What would it be if you had the power to alter the company's culture in one way?

Team Dynamics and Collaboration

  1. How content are you with the amount of freedom and independence that your position provides you with?
  2. How effective is the level of collaboration and teamwork on your team?
  3. In your opinion, how effective is the company's policy on encouraging teamwork and friendship among workers?

Opportunities for Innovation and Growth

  1. Are there sufficient avenues for professional development and promotion?
  2. How well does the organization encourage a good work-life balance?
  3. Does the company operate with a fair and equitable spirit?
  4. In your opinion, is the organization good at resolving conflicts?

Employee Engagement and Morale

  1. How high is the morale in your department or team generally?
  2. Tell me how you feel about the company's involvement level among employees.
  3. Does the firm effectively promote and maintain its fundamental principles?
  4. How effective is it that the firm acknowledges and rewards employees for their efforts?

Company Policies and Practices

  1. How well do you feel the company promotes work-related training and development?
  2. In making decisions, do you think your thoughts and feelings are considered?
  3. When it comes to balancing work and personal life, how supportive is the company?
  4. To what extent do you think a growth mindset is encouraged at work?

Change Management and Adaptability

  1. How effectively does the organization handle change and new obstacles?
  2. How would you rate the amount of leeway you have to choose when and how you work?
  3. To what extent do you think that your employer values and promotes professional growth opportunities?
  4. How effective is the company's communication and change management?

Personal Growth and Impact

  1. Is it your belief that you can make a difference in the world through your work?
  2. How does the organization help its employees achieve their professional and personal goals?

Need more questions on other aspects, like job satisfaction, workplace wellness, and career development? Visit our library of templates here.

Ask The Right Questions

If you want to unlock the complete potential of your workforce and your organization as a whole, start by building the right culture. It will help you get through tough times and gain momentum in the long run. If you are looking for an easy and efficient way to conduct these surveys, ThriveSparrow can help you.