Performance reviews

Drive performance at every level of your organization

Your one stop employee success solution to get org-wide 360 feedback reports across departments, teams and individuals. Optimize your performance management engine and build a high achieving workforce.
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360 reviews: the feedback that goes full circle

Imagine a performance review system where everyone has a say- the subject, peers and managers, that’s a 360 degree review: a full-circle feedback to get the full picture of every employee’s performance.
  • Organizational Overview for HR Professionals
  • Team Analytics for Leaders
  • Individual Performance Reports for Employees

Track your employees’ trajectory and see how their performance grows

No more squinting at opaque spreadsheets – our performance trend chart paints a crystal clear picture of individual and team performance across departments and key competencies. 
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Spot strengths and bridge gaps for high-performing, aligned teams

Reveal the hidden connections between rater group insights and real-world workplace behaviours and uncover hidden gaps that could hinder the performance of your people.
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Radar Chart

Connect the dots with a single report for your entire organization

Unify scattered insights into a panoramic view of your entire workforce, from individual skills to team dynamics and company-wide trends with bell curves, performance summaries and more.
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360 Performance report
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Performance Review Report!
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Enable your leaders with the insights they need to build winning teams

Give your managers real-time performance data advantage to unleash their teams’ potential by making the right decisions to optimize workflows, ignite collaboration, and drive results.
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team analytics

Unlock instant, customized analytics for any team or department

Know what's working, where to improve, and who's shining across departments, projects, or skills. Turn data into decisions to nurture talent and lead with confidence. 
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Help your employees  reach their full potential

Go beyond surface-level scores and unlock personalized talent maps for each employee. See strengths and weaknesses with precision for the targeted development of your workforce.
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Individual performance reports
Personal Development Plans

Bridge performance gaps with AI-powered PDPs

No more one-size-fits-all, unlock data-driven insights with AI to build custom learning journeys. Track progress, foster collaboration, and witness individual brilliance turn into team-wide success.
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action plans

Empower Growth, One Action Plan at a Time

Turn 360 feedback into action with personalized plans, guiding development for managers and empowering employee growth - all on a unified platform.
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Individual performance reports

Discover more about ThriveSparrow

Get ready to build a thriving ecosystem with truly engaged employees

Make every day a success story for your people.

Made by the thriving flock at SurveySparrow Inc.