In a world where companies constantly renovate themselves to get ahead of the competition, employee performance has become more important than ever.

Almost all companies that take employee performance seriously have tools and apps available at their disposal.

If you are looking for excellent employee performance tools that are a great alternative to OfficeVibe, then welcome! You have come to the right place!

This article gives you an in-depth look at the best 11 OfficeVibe alternatives when it comes to employee performance.

11 Best Officevibe Alternatives and Competitors of 2024

Let us gain a better understanding of each one of them.

1. ThriveSparrow

ThriveSparrow's homepage

ThriveSparrow is a revolutionary employee performance software that boosts both wellness and efficiency. It lets employees track emotions, establish objectives, and create well-being plans. Their mental health tools, stress-relieving habits, and mindfulness practices improve the workplace. The software also helps peers recognize one another, fostering support and recognition.

Integration with project management systems streamlines work and meets organizational goals. ThriveSparrow's data on employee engagement helps HR departments make better decisions about the work environment. Custom dashboards enable employees to tailor their experiences, increasing control and engagement.

  • Regular Well-Being Check-Ins: ThriveSparrow helps organizations assess and improve employee mental health and happiness.
  • Continuous Feedback Loops: Set up ongoing feedback loops for employees and supervisors to communicate. It will promote open dialogue.
  • Performance Analytics Dashboard: The performance analytics dashboard shows leaders all interaction data so they may make wise decisions based on real-time performance indicators.
  • Personalized Learning Paths: ThriveSparrow provides personalized learning routes to help employees improve professionally.
  • DEI Initiatives: The platform measures and improves diversity, equality, and inclusion according to best practices and industry standards.


ThriveSparrow offers a 14-day free trial to help you experience the platform fully.

There are three pricing plans, billed annually:

Engage: $3/month/employee

Kudos: $2/month/employee

Performance: $5/month/employee

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14 day free trial.
Quick setup.
No credit card required

2. Bonusly

Bonusly's homepage

Bonusly makes it easy for co-workers to reward each other for effort, changing employee recognition. Employees can earn points and trade them for prizes on the app. This game-based strategy motivates and engages employees like nothing else.

Bonusly's analytics assist managers in identifying top performers and areas for improvement by analyzing employee award statistics. Recognition is timely and visible since it interacts with popular communication methods. The app's social feed showcases achievements and boosts confidence, creating a positive work atmosphere.

Bonusly has many award options, so employees may select one they like. This makes recognition crucial for all employees.

  • Recognition Points: Employees earn points for their accomplishments, which can be considered for a variety of rewards.
  • Customizable Rewards: Tailor the reward system to align with your company's values and employee preferences.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Gain insights into employee engagement trends and identify areas for improvement.


Core (Free trial available)

  • $3 per user/month, billed monthly
  • $2.70 per user/month, billed annually


  • $5 per user/month, billed monthly
  • $4.50 per user/month, billed annually


Depending on company size and needs

3. Trello

A screenshot of Trello's homepage

This versatile project management program boosts staff productivity. A simple style that displays jobs on boards, lists, and cards makes collaboration easy for teams. Trello's flexibility allows teams to prioritize and adjust work methods. Connecting to third-party apps improves its functionality, making it a project management center.

The open app encourages responsibility and ensures everyone is on the same page. Attaching files, comments, and due dates simplifies communication and job completion. Teams avoid miscommunication using Trello's real-time updates and warnings. Trello is still useful for project-based employee performance since it's easy to use and allows collaboration.

  • Boards and Cards: Create visual boards and cards to organize tasks and projects.
  • Team Collaboration: Foster collaboration through real-time updates and comments on tasks.
  • Integrations: Integrate with various apps and tools to streamline workflow.
  • Power-Ups: Trello's Power-Ups add capabilities and enable users to connect to Slack, Jira, and Google Drive from the UI.
  • Card Voting: Let teammates choose cards or tasks. Using team consensus to make choices and prioritize activities will be easier.



  • $0 USD
  • Free for the whole team. Great for individuals or teams looking to organize any project.


  • $5 USD per user/month if billed annually ($6 billed monthly)


  • $10 USD per user/month if billed annually ($12.50 billed monthly)


  • $17.50 USD per user/month - billed annually ($210.00 annual price per user)

4. TINYpulse

TINYpulse's homepage

TINYpulse engages employees beyond just surveys. It offers pulse surveys, feedback channels, and staff recognition options. App pulse surveys indicate real-time staff engagement and satisfaction.

Anonymous feedback routes allow personnel to discuss their issues without fear of repercussions. TINYpulse's success measurements help firms identify and implement goals. The app's recognition features encourage goodwill and cooperation by letting individuals congratulate each other. Dynamic feedback cultures have ongoing surveys and feedback loops.

This addresses staff issues rapidly. TINYpulse's data-driven approach empowers HR teams to make data-driven decisions, promoting employee happiness and wellness.

  • Pulse Surveys: Regularly check the pulse of your organization with quick and insightful surveys.
  • Cheers for Peers: Creates a positive culture by giving employees a chance to recognize and appreciate each other.
  • Virtual Suggestions: Employees can submit ideas and suggestions to improve processes.
  • Pulse survey benchmarks: Compare employee satisfaction levels with survey findings to others in the same field.
  • Anonymous Feedback Channels: TINYpulse encourages employees who may not want to communicate what they believe by providing anonymous feedback channels.


Please contact TINYpulse directly to get better insight into this.

5. Culture Amp

Culture Amp's homepage

Culture Amp is a sophisticated employee feedback and analytics solution that measures and improves organizational culture. The software collects workplace input using advanced surveying methods. Its analytics platform analyzes this data to help HR professionals. Culture Amp's measurement tools show firms where they're doing well and where they need to improve according to industry norms.

The platform's continual listening function ensures ongoing employee input. Surveys and reporting dashboards may be customized for each firm, making it a versatile performance management tool. Culture Amp helps organizations establish a productive, satisfying workplace via diversity and inclusion.

  • Employee Feedback: Gather insights through customizable surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • Performance Analytics: Analyze performance data to make informed decisions.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive actionable recommendations based on employee feedback.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Surveys: Culture Amp provides specialized DEI surveys to help organizations measure and improve diversity and inclusion efforts.


Three plans, namely Engage, Perform, and Develop, are available. Companies can request a quote from CultureAmp to move things forward.

6. Slack

A screenshot of Slack's homepage

Slack, a popular team communication platform, streamlines workplace collaboration. The app's channels, direct conversations, and file-sharing make team communication easy. Real-time communications and SMS provide prompt responses and job completion. Slack is preferable since it integrates with project management and file storage programs. Searchable message files make it easy for teams to collaborate and discover information. Customizable notifications reduce distractions and help users focus on essential topics. Remote and distributed teams prefer Slack's simplicity and cross-platform compatibility. It bonds teammates.

  • Channels and Direct Messages: Organize communication through channels and direct messages.
  • Integrations: Connect Slack with various apps and tools for seamless workflow.
  • File Sharing: Share documents, images, and files effortlessly.
  • Custom Emoji responses: Slack users may create and utilize custom emoji answers to make conversations more fun and customized.
  • Workflow Builder:  Workflow Builder helps people to create automatic Slack workflows to speed up procedures and reduce manual labor.
  • Channel Recommendations:  Slack generates smart channel suggestions based on app use, making it easier for employees to identify and join relevant conversations.


  • Free: ₹0/mth
  • Pro: ₹245.25/mth
  • Business+: ₹422.10/mth
  • Enterprise Grid: Custom pricing

7. Engagedly

A screenshot of Engagedly's homepage

This performance management software helps employees improve, create objectives, and receive constant feedback. The app's goal management capabilities help connect personal and business goals, paving the way for success. Continuous feedback loops enable performance discussions, which improves employees. Engagedly's 360-degree feedback emphasizes openness and responsibility by showing an employee's whole effort.

The app's learning and development capabilities enable you to create training programs to improve your skills and advance your career. Engagedly data tools let firms track performance and locate talented employees. Encouraging performance discussions helps establish a workplace that emphasizes cooperation, development, and employee growth.

  • Goal Alignment: Engagedly helps people align their own ambitions with the organization's goals so the team works toward the same goals.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Give your employees a clear view of their performance and areas for improvement using 360-degree feedback tools.
  • Learning and Development: A robust learning and development tool may help employees enhance their abilities and adapt to corporate demands.
  • Recognition and rewards: Engagedly's recognition and awards system may help you foster a culture of respect, boosting morale and employee happiness.


  • Performance Suite: $9 member/month
  • ADD-ON: + Rewards & Recognition: $5 member/month
  • ADD-ON: + Growth & Learning: $5 member/month

8. Lattice

A screenshot of Lattice's homepage

This contemporary performance management application lets you provide feedback, define objectives, and help people progress. The app's goal-setting tool helps businesses write and publish their goals to ensure team unity. Continuous feedback allows real-time performance discussions, encouraging transparency and progress. Lattice's check-in tools replace performance assessments with light growth talks. 

  • Performance Reviews: Use Lattice's simple interface to conduct frequent performance evaluations that help managers and employees communicate.
  • Feedback and Recognition: Real-time feedback and acknowledgment assist the firm in fostering gratitude and collaboration.
  • Career Pathing: Using Lattice, people may plan their career paths by identifying areas for growth and improvement.


  • Performance Management + OKRs & Goals: $11 person/month
  • Engagement + $4 per person/month
  • Grow + $4 per person/month
  • Compensation + $6 per person/month

9. Trivia

A screenshot of Trivia's homepage

This entertaining staff training and review tool combines game-like aspects to boost learning. Different quizzes and exercises make learning entertaining and active in the app. Trivia's analytics track individual and team performance, helping firms identify knowledge gaps and improve. The app's competition and leaderboard elements make employees feel like they're in a friendly rivalry, encouraging learning.

Trivia interacts with learning management systems, making it easy to add to training. The app's mobile compatibility allows employees to learn whenever and wherever they desire, promoting continuous learning. With configurable examinations and content, businesses may tailor training to their goals.

  • Quiz and Games: Trivia engages employees through interactive quizzes and games, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition.
  • Team Challenges: Create and participate in team challenges, encouraging collaboration and teamwork in a fun and engaging way.
  • Rewards and Recognition: Trivia integrates a rewards system tied to successfully completing challenges, adding a motivational aspect to daily tasks.
  • Leaderboards: Track individual and team performance on leaderboards, promoting a sense of healthy competition and a sense of achievement.

Pricing (Slack)

  • Basic: $0/user/month
  • Standard: $1/user/month (*Minimum Billing at $29)
  • Pro: $2/user/month (*Minimum Billing at $49)
  • Enterprise: Price on request

Pricing (Microsoft Teams)

  • Basic: $0/license/month
  • Standard: $1/license/month
  • Pro: $2/license/month
  • Enterprise: Price on request

10. Workmates

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's homepage

Workmates is a social intranet application that simplifies employee collaboration, communication, and engagement. Employees may develop a community by sharing news, successes, and information on the app's social feed. Even in large firms, Workmates' directory features make colleague networking easier.

Site event and announcement technologies ensure all employees receive vital information on time. Workmates' document and project-sharing capabilities make collaboration easier and more productive. The program acknowledges and rewards individual and team achievements, creating a joyful workplace. Because co-workers may use mobile devices, employees can stay connected while working from home. Workmates foster a connected, creative environment that makes employees feel like they belong.

  • Social Feed: There is a social feed in Workmates where employees can share news, accomplishments, and important information. This helps build community.
  • Employee Recognition Wall: Make a virtual recognition wall so employees can thank and acknowledge their co-workers for their work.
  • Instant Messaging: Allow people to talk to each other in real-time through instant messaging to ensure that working together and sharing information is easy.
  • Event Calendar: Workmates has an event calendar that can be used to plan and promote team-building activities that help make the workplace a better place for everyone.
  • Employee Spotlight Interviews: Through employee highlight interviews on the site, team members may learn about their co-workers' experiences, abilities, and interests.
  • Automated birthday and anniversary celebrations: Celebrate milestones and communities by automating birthday and work anniversary celebrations.


  • Recognition: $2.00Per user per month Paid annually
  • Essential: $3.50Per user per month Paid annually
  • Premium: $5.00Per user per month Paid annually

11. Workvivo

A screenshot of Workvivo's homepage

This communication and engagement technology connects and unites distributed teams. The app's newsfeed and social features allow employees to communicate updates, successes, and new ideas in a digital workplace. Workvivo's recognition tools let co-workers acknowledge and celebrate each other's efforts, creating a positive and friendly workplace.

The platform's compatibility with other workplace applications makes it a hub for collaboration and communication. Workvivo's statistics on employee engagement and happiness help firms make wise decisions. The app's tailored content distribution gives employees relevant information, making them feel valued. The Workvivo smartphone app lets employees stay connected from anywhere. Workvivo fosters a positive, collaborative workplace by connecting and involving its employees.

  • News Feed: Workvivo's news feed informs employees of changes, achievements, and corporate news, promoting transparency.
  • Employee Recognition Hub: Setting up a central recognition hub allows co-workers to openly acknowledge each other's efforts.
  • Employee surveys: Use customizable surveys to collect employee opinions on workplace aspects. Employee feedback can help you ensure that things are continually improving.
  • Integration Hub: Workvivo integrates with various applications and technologies, simplifying and enhancing production


There is a Business Plan (100 to 2000 employees) and an Enterprise Plan (2000+ employees). Companies can contact Workvivo to get customized pricing details.

Wrapping Things Up

OfficeVibe is an excellent employee performance management tool, no doubt. But it might not be for everyone. You can consider better alternatives like ThriveSparrow to see if the features offered matches your organization's specific needs.