Every organization's leaders want to see their business expand. They want the workforce to function at its best. However, you cannot just order or instruct your staff to do this. Managing directors are crucial in this. But what can managers do if their own careers are stalled and they aren't happy? Managers must improve if they want their staff to perform better.

What causes that to occur?

Encouraging them to establish personal development objectives. Setting development goals to assist with management is a smart method to boost output and get quantifiable results. The corporation and the manager both benefit from this circumstance. An engaged and modern workforce benefits the company as a whole, while the manager benefits from learning and career advancement.

What are managers' development objectives?

If you're interested in the objectives for manager development, consider how the managers in your company performed the previous year. On the one hand, they are in charge of duties that demand a high level of knowledge from them. On the other hand, team members gave them the authority to carry out their tasks.

If you look closely, you can see that in both situations there are specific areas where improvement might have a significant effect on both the organizational and individual level.  Managers should identify their development objectives and establish a plan to close the gap. The focus of management development is changing from achieving extremely specific objectives, like growing sales, to creating a cultural transformation.

The Importance of Development Goals

Establish clear and achievable self-development goals, whether you're self-employed, a small business owner, or a career enthusiast. Setting goals is fundamental because a leader with a clear direction understands their path. Once goals are attained, the leader discerns what's necessary for both personal and team development. Picture being a manager consistently abreast of the latest techniques, trends, technology, and innovative management strategies in your industry—an admirable objective for anyone aiming high.

By staying informed, you can make informed decisions for your team, instilling confidence and respect among colleagues and subordinates.

According to a survey, businesses investing in employee development boast a 218% higher revenue per employee compared to those who do not.

Additionally, a Deloitte study reveals that companies with high-performing staff are more inclined to invest in the professional growth of their employees.

With statistics like these, it's evident that managers seeking to enhance their individual performance and organizational success should prioritize professional development goals. The benefits outlined below underscore the importance of these goals in refining leadership abilities.

  1. Increased problem-solving capabilities by tackling challenging goals and navigating difficulties in your professional growth.
  2. Enhanced written and verbal communication skills for more effective interaction.
  3. Assistance in building a productive workplace, essential for reducing employee turnover.
  4. Improved comprehension and appreciation of diverse perspectives, fostering a more inclusive workforce.
  5. Contribution to the development of a supportive and effective workplace culture.

Specific goal-setting for managers

Setting development goals is not just about picking objectives out of thin air. It's about creating a roadmap for your growth. As a manager, using the SMART goal-setting technique can transform vague ambitions into clear, achievable targets. Here's how you can apply it:

  • Specific: Your goals should be clear and specific. Instead of saying, "I want to improve my management skills," say, "I want to enhance my team's performance by developing effective communication strategies."
  • Measurable: How will you measure your progress? For example, "I aim to reduce team conflicts by 50% within the next six months."
  • Achievable: Your goals need to be realistic. Set goals that challenge you but are still attainable.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your role and the organization's objectives. If your company is focusing on innovation, one of your goals might be to foster a culture of creativity within your team.
  • Time-Bound: Set a deadline. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused.

By adopting this method, you'll not only set goals that push you forward but also track your progress effectively.

Related post: Goal setting for managers: A quick guide to setting and achieving them.

Role of mentorship and coaching

As a manager, your growth isn't just about what you achieve alone; it's also about the connections you build and the guidance you receive. Engaging in mentorship and coaching can be a game-changer for your professional development. Here's why:

Learning from experience: A mentor, who's likely been in your shoes before, can offer invaluable advice based on their experiences. They can guide you through challenging scenarios, offering insights that you might not find in textbooks or training sessions.

Expanding your perspectives: Coaching sessions provide you with an external viewpoint. Coaches can help you see things differently, challenge your assumptions, and encourage you to explore new ways of thinking and leading.

Building your network: Both mentors and coaches can open doors to new connections, expanding your professional network. These connections can be crucial for your future growth opportunities.

Enhancing your leadership skills: Regular interactions with a mentor or coach can help you refine your leadership style. They can help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement, making you a more effective leader.

Remember, the goal of mentorship and coaching isn't just to solve immediate problems but to develop your capabilities for long-term success.

You may also like: Coaching vs managing: What's the difference and when to use each

Measuring Development Progress with Employee Surveys

Employee surveys are not just a daily management activity; they are essential to building a successful and motivated team. A workplace that encourages innovation, productivity, and excellent achievements would be one where individuals are excited, engaged, and fully committed to their work. Employee surveys are crucial in achieving this.

Consider these studies as a detective's magnifying glass that enables businesses to look deeply into the hearts and minds of their staff members. They disclose the untold tales, hidden emotions, and unfulfilled desires that influence the employee experience, going beyond merely data and spreadsheets. 

Surveys of employees are crucial for a number of reasons:

Measure participation 

An organized and systematic method for determining the level of involvement in an organization is provided by an employee engagement survey. They enable businesses to evaluate how emotionally connected, motivated and dedicated their staff are to their jobs and the company as a whole.

These studies provide insight into the current status of engagement and pinpoint opportunities for improvement by gathering both quantitative and qualitative data.

Strengths and weaknesses assessment 

Every engagement study aids companies in determining their advantages and disadvantages in fostering employee engagement. Companies can identify areas where they shine and require improvement by asking specific questions on various aspects of the workplace, such as senior management, communication, work-life balance, and career growth. With this knowledge, they are able to build on their current strengths and deal with any underlying problems that might be impeding involvement.

Employee input and involvement 

Employees have the chance to anonymously express their ideas, worries, and suggestions through surveys. Because of the anonymity, it is possible for employees to provide fair and honest criticism without worrying about the consequences. Employers who actively involve staff in the inquiry process show that they value and listen to them, which in turn encourages a sense of ownership and involvement. 

If you're looking to encourage honest and transparent feedback, ensure anonymity in your surveys. Automate this process with an employee sucess platform like ThriveSparrow. Every survey response collected is made anonymous and gathered at one place.

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's Anonymous Survey Repsonse
ThriveSparrow's Anonymous Survey Repsonse

Making decisions based on data 

Any employee engagement survey offers insightful data that can support tactical decision-making. Organizations can use the insights from these studies to spot trends, patterns, and connections between engagement levels and other important performance measures.  

Wrap up

As a manager, you are responsible for leading the people under you. And it's best to lead by example. 

As a manager, you are responsible for what your subordinates do. So you have to work on yourself so that your subordinates do their best and strengthen your managerial skills

By setting yourself development goals, you open the way to success for three entities: your organization, your employees and yourself.