Do you wonder whether your employees are happy and satisfied with how things are at the organization?

What better way to find out than conducting an employee engagement survey?

Engagement surveys help you get a clear idea of how things are at the employee's end and lets you know of any blockers to productivity. An employee engagement survey also helps you pinpoint reasons for dissatisfaction or low employee morale.

Happy employees make a happy organization. So conducting an employee engagement survey is crucial to gauge the level of success of your company, in one way. Let us learn more about how to create an efficient employee engagement survey and conduct it effectively.

In this article, we'll cover:

What is an Employee Engagement Survey?

An employee engagement survey is a powerful tool used by organizations to understand the level of engagement and satisfaction among their employees. It consists of a series of questions designed to gauge how invested employees are in their work and the company, their feelings towards the workplace culture, their relationship with management, and their overall job satisfaction.

This feedback is invaluable for leadership and HR teams, providing them with the data needed to make informed decisions that can lead to enhanced employee morale, increased productivity, and, ultimately, better organizational performance.

What is the Purpose of an Employee Engagement Survey?

The main goal of an employee engagement survey is to tap into the heart and mind of your workforce. It's like a health check-up for your company's culture and morale.

By asking your team how they feel about their work, the environment, and the direction of the company, you get invaluable insights. These insights can highlight what's working well and what needs improvement, guiding you on how to boost happiness, productivity, and loyalty among your team.

How to Create and Implement an Employee Engagement Survey?

Before we dive into the creation of an engagement survey, we recommend you to use this checklist for every engagement survey that you create.

Employee Engagement Survey Checklist

ThriveSparrow's quick employee engagement survey checklist
Employee Engagement Survey Checklist

Creating an effective employee engagement survey involves several steps, each crucial to ensuring that the survey provides valuable insights into your team's morale and engagement. Here’s a step-by-step process on that.

1. Define Your Objectives

Begin with a clear vision of what you hope to accomplish through the survey.

Whether it’s enhancing job satisfaction, evaluating the impact of recent organizational changes, or gaining a deeper understanding of employee morale, setting specific objectives will steer the development of your survey in the right direction.

2. Choose the Right Questions

The questions should be directly tied to your objectives, encompassing a variety of formats like rating scales, multiple choice, and open-ended questions to gather a broad spectrum of insights.

Aim for clarity and neutrality in your questions to avoid any bias and ensure the responses you receive are genuine.

3. Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality

Assure your employees that their responses will remain anonymous and that the data collected will be treated with utmost confidentiality. This promise encourages transparency and honesty in their feedback.

ThriveSparrow's Anonymous Survey Responses
ThriveSparrow's Anonymous Survey Responses encourages honest and candid feedback from your employees.

4. Use a Simple and Accessible Format

The survey should be easy to complete and accessible to all employees. Whether it’s distributed electronically or on paper, ensure the format is user-friendly and can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

For example, explore the simplicity of ThriveSparrow's engagement survey.

Try ThriveSparrow for free by signing up for a free trial now.

5. Communicate the Purpose of the Survey

Before launching the survey, communicate its purpose to your employees.

Explain how their feedback will be used to make meaningful improvements in the workplace.

This communication can be effectively done in two ways: by including an introductory statement at the beginning of the survey or by providing a detailed explanation alongside the survey link in the email you distribute.

This step ensures that employees understand the significance of their participation and how it can lead to positive transformations in their work environment.

Also read: 9 Fun Ways to Encourage Employee Survey Participation

6. Pilot Your Survey

Test the survey with a small, representative group of employees to catch any potential issues, from confusing questions to technical glitches. This pilot phase is crucial for refining the survey before a full rollout.

7. Launch the Survey

Officially deploy your survey, offering clear guidance on how to complete it. Establish a firm deadline for submissions and issue reminders as necessary to ensure robust participation.

8. Analyze the Results

With the survey concluded, meticulously review the responses. Properly interpreting the survey results can help you Identify patterns and actionable insights that align with your initial objectives can help guide your engagement efforts.

9. Share Key Findings and Next Steps

Communicate the survey’s major discoveries to your team, alongside outlining imminent actions. This transparency demonstrates your respect for their feedback and your commitment to positive change.

10. Take Action

Develop a targeted action plan based on the survey outcomes, prioritizing initiatives aimed at addressing key areas in need of improvement.

11. Follow Up

After enacting changes, revisit your employees to assess the impact. This follow-up can take the form of additional surveys, focus groups, or casual conversations, ensuring a continuous loop of feedback and improvement.

This step-by-step process can help you create and implement an employee engagement survey that not only garners valuable insights but also fosters a culture of continuous growth and satisfaction within your organization.

8 Things to Focus on While Crafting an Employee Engagement Survey

Before getting into the actual process of generating an employee engagement survey, let us look at some of the important pointers to keep in mind. 

1. Use Rubrics to Reduce Bias

While creating options to answer the questions, it is best to stick to a rubric that helps employees create an unbiased opinion.

Options can include ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘neutral’, ‘disagree’, and ‘strongly disagree’.

The odd number of options also lets them take a neutral stand whenever necessary.

These options help us get an almost accurate and nuanced answer from the employees without bombarding them with complex options that are way too many in number. 

2. Make Sure the Language Used is not Confusing

Clear and unambiguous language is the number 1 prerequisite to creating an efficient employee engagement survey.

Use too complicated and confusing language, and you can find employees dropping off incomplete surveys with inaccurate answers.

Make sure not to make choices for the employees by using biased language. Always keep in mind to use language and jargon that the employees are familiar with. 

3. Use a Mix of Different Types of Questions

There is no thumb of rule that you have to stick to close-ended questions only while generating an employee engagement survey.

Include scaled questions along with multiple-choice and open-ended questions. It is best to keep the open-ended questions less in number as most employees might not have the time or energy to write a lot about their experiences or feelings.

They would much prefer to tick an appropriate box instead. So add a different question format to break the monotony but keep MCQs and scaled questions high in number.  

If you run out of ideas on what to ask your employees, consider reading: 101 pulse survey questions for your ready reference.

4. Don't Make the Survey Too Long

Not every employee has the time to answer a long survey. Handing out long surveys to employees would only lead to them rushing the process and giving half-hearted answers.

Also, it might not be ideal for employees to take time off of their work to complete a super-long survey. So keep in mind to add only necessary and crucial questions to the survey.

Remove the clutter by editing and re-editing the questions and come up with a survey that takes not more than 20 mins long to complete. 

5. Always Conduct a Test Run Before Launching the Survey

It is a great idea to test the survey with a small group of employees before actually opening it up to the rest of the organization.

It helps you spot any technical glitches present in the survey, conceptual errors, or any invalid or inappropriate questions. It will also give you valuable feedback from actual employees which can be used to give any final touches to the survey. 

6. State the Objective or Purpose of the Survey Clearly

Why are you creating an employee engagement survey? What problem are you trying to solve with this?

What kind of answers do you expect to receive from the employees?

Ask these questions over and over while you create the employee engagement survey. It will help you keep track of the initial objective or goal of the survey is trying to achieve. Make these objectives clear and you can create an efficient survey in no time. 

7. Keep the Confidentiality and Anonymity of the Answers

If you want to receive unbiased and unadulterated answers from the employees, you have to promise them anonymity and keep the individual results confidential.

Although you can announce the overall feedback from the survey to the employees, refrain from taking names or specific references from the employee answers to maintain the integrity of the process. It also helps the employees feel safe while giving their honest answers. 

With ThriveSparrow's employee feedback surveys, you can configure the answers to your survey to show as anonymous. This way your employees can input what they truly feel making you look like an approachable person.

8. Analyze the Answers and Make Necessary Changes

The main purpose behind conducting an employee engagement survey is to find the answers you were looking for and implement the changes to make the life of the employees better.

Find out what every employee is trying to say and implement the changes and resolve the issues the employees face. 

Create your Employee Engagement Plan in 6 Easy Steps

Let us now take a better look at the six easy steps through which you can create an efficient employee engagement plan.

1. Select a Survey Tool that Best Fits your Needs

This is where having a clear idea of your objective will come in handy. Pick a survey tool that has features that allow you to create questions that align with your initial objectives and goals.

You can create questions from scratch or use the template given in the survey tool to guide you through the process. Customize the questions depending on the employee demographic and make sure the survey tool gives you these options.

If you're looking for the tool to cater to these needs, ThriveSparrow is the place to go. Among its other features, the Engage module of this product offers an ideal solution to elevate your employee engagement surveys to new heights and understand the gaps to work on.

Screenshot of ThriveSparrow's engagement survey report

ThriveSparrow doesn't stop with creating the engagement surveys, but help you close the bridge of engagement at your organization with invaluable insights. Sign up here for early access now!

2. Get the Leaders on Board 

Before diving deep into the process, make sure to have the top management and concerned managers on board with the survey. At the end of the day, it is this group of management that looks at the results and deploys measures to make the necessary changes. If they are not on board, the whole process can be a futile exercise. 

Get started with 19 thought-provoking questions every leader should consider asking their team.

3. Create an Air of Excitement for the Survey

Just like how you promote a product before its launch, create awareness of the survey among the employees and get them excited about the same. Let them know the reason why you conduct a survey and how it will have a direct impact on the work environment of the employee. 

4. Launch it

The next step is the actual launch of the survey. It is best to send an email to the employees with the survey as an attachment. Or else you could use the good old way of handing over physical forms which the employees can fill out and give you later.

Which way to go is up to you and the structure of your organization. The aim is to make the survey reach every employee and make sure that they have the tools to answer it properly. 

5. Observe and Benchmark the Results

Once the employees are done with their survey, collect the details and come to a conclusion.

What are the employees trying to say? Is there a common problem that persists among the employees?

What steps are you going to take in order to resolve these issues? Focus on these questions in the next step. 

6. Share the Results with Others

The final step of an employee engagement survey is to share the feedback or message received from the survey with the organization. This will help employees feel recognized and heard. It will also give them an assurance that their problems will soon be mitigated by the organization. 

Why Use ThriveSparrow for your Employee Engagement Surveys

ThriveSparrow stands out as the ideal platform for conducting employee engagement surveys, offering a blend of user-friendliness and advanced customization options. Its emphasis on anonymity guarantees honest feedback, while real-time analytics provide immediate insights into your team's morale.

With ThriveSparrow, you receive more than just data collection tools; you gain a partner in driving actionable change through continuous feedback mechanisms and engagement-driven features. Supported by dedicated customer service, ThriveSparrow equips you with everything needed to foster a positive workplace culture, turning employee insights into strategies for meaningful organizational growth. Choose ThriveSparrow for surveys that lead to genuine engagement and transformative results.

Wrapping Up

Employee engagement surveys help understand the pulse of your employees and how they currently feel about the company. It is an excellent tool to increase employee morale and productivity as well.

Always keep in mind that customization is key when it comes to surveys. Shape it in a way that fits your employee's needs and you can find the results to be not only useful but transformative as well.