Asking the right questions in an employee engagement survey is very important.

The survey should cover important aspects of engagement such as job satisfaction, work-life balance and more.

With that being said, here are the best questions you can add to your engagement survey in a way that fits your organization's needs and the essential elements you'd like to measure.

Which Elements of Employee Engagement Should You Measure?

Including the following elements, or, as we'd like to call it 'reporting factors', will ensure you cover all the important aspects that contribute to engagement in your organization.

1. Communication: Effective communication ensures that employees feel informed and valued, fostering an open environment where they can freely express ideas and concerns.

2. Leadership: Effective leaders provide guidance and inspiration to their team, encouraging trust and respect and demonstrating commitment to their employees' welfare.

3. Employee Recognition: Regular and meaningful recognition reinforces positive behaviors, boosts morale, and shows employees that their efforts are appreciated and greatly valued.

4. Autonomy: Granting autonomy empowers employees to take ownership of their work, enhancing their motivation and commitment to the organization.

5. Culture: A positive culture promotes a sense of belonging and alignment with company values, which is essential for fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.

6. Work Environment: A supportive physical space enhances comfort and productivity, making employees feel secure and appreciated.

7. Professional Growth: Opportunities for professional development show employees that the company is invested in their career progression, which can increase loyalty and job satisfaction.

8. Purpose: Connecting employees’ roles to the company’s larger goals provides them with a sense of meaning and motivation, enhancing their engagement with their work.

101 Questions to Make Your Engagement Surveys Worthwhile

Employee engagement surveys are handy tools for measuring your employees' satisfaction, and the overall health of your organization.

By asking the right questions, you can gain valuable information about various aspects of the work environment, including employee morale. We've categorized 101 questions - element wise, as we discussed above.

Engagement Survey Questions on Communication

This category looks into how well information flows throughout the organization. It checks if managers communicate clearly, if the company's decisions are transparent, and how effectively teams talk to each other. Good communication is essential because it underpins everything from daily operations to employee satisfaction.

  1. How clearly does your manager communicate his expectations to you?
  2. Do you feel that management is transparent enough about the company's decisions and changes?
  3. How well do your team members communicate with each other?
  4. The feedback that you receive from your manager is clear and constructive.
  5. I feel comfortable voicing my concerns and ideas to my supervisor.
  6. I receive the information needed to do my job effectively.
  7. Communication channels within the company are effective.
  8. I feel informed about what is happening in other departments.
  9. Team meetings are productive and informative.
  10. The company communicates its mission and vision effectively to employees.
  11. I have adequate opportunities to communicate directly with senior leaders.
  12. I receive constructive feedback on my work frequently.
  13. Communication within our team can be improved.

Engagement Survey Questions About Leadership

These questions evaluate employees' trust in and perceptions of the organization's leaders. Are leaders accessible and inspiring? Do they uphold the company’s values? Understanding this helps gauge whether leaders are effectively guiding their teams and fostering a positive work environment.

  1. I trust the company’s leadership to make the right decisions.
  2. The leaders within the company are approachable.
  3. They're committed to the values of the company.
  4. The leaders here are a source of inspiration and motivation.
  5. They're transparent about the company's challenges.
  6. The leaders of this organization understand the day-to-day challenges employees face.
  7. I feel respected by the company’s leaders.
  8. They encourage a culture of openness and inclusivity.
  9. Leaders frequently recognize employee achievements.
  10. They provide clear direction and support for my work.
  11. Leaders handle conflict and concerns effectively.
  12. Leaders are actively involved in employee development.

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Questions on Employee Recognition

This section delves into how and how often employees are recognized for their work. It asks if the recognition given is timely, appropriate, and reflective of their actual efforts. Effective recognition is crucial as it boosts motivation and helps employees feel valued.

  1. I feel appreciated for my contributions at work.
  2. My contributions are frequently recognized by my manager or team.
  3. Recognition and rewards are given in a timely manner.
  4. The recognition I receive is personalized and relevant.
  5. I am motivated by the company's recognition practices.
  6. There are opportunities for peer recognition within my team.
  7. The recognition I receive reflects my efforts adequately.
  8. The company’s recognition practices are fair and unbiased.
  9. I feel valued at work.
  10. Recognition practices encourage me to perform better.
  11. I prefer specific ways of being recognized.
  12. Management adequately acknowledges and rewards excellent performance.
  13. Our recognition programs can be improved.

Questions on Autonomy

Here, we assess how much freedom employees have in their roles. Questions on employee autonomy is about testing their ability to make decisions and carry out tasks without constant oversight. High autonomy often leads to greater job satisfaction and encourages innovation.

  1. I have the freedom to choose how I do my work.
  2. I am encouraged to make decisions independently.
  3. I seldom need to seek approval before executing tasks.
  4. I feel trusted to take initiative on projects.
  5. I am comfortable with the level of responsibility I have.
  6. I can express ideas and opinions about work-related matters freely.
  7. I have the resources and tools to work independently.
  8. Management frequently seeks my input on decisions that affect my work.
  9. I do not feel micromanaged in my role.
  10. I feel supported when trying new ways of doing things.
  11. The company encourages innovation and individual contributions.
  12. There are opportunities to lead projects or teams.
  13. My level of autonomy at work could be improved.

Questions on the Company Culture

These questions explore the overall vibe and cultural aspects of the workplace, such as inclusiveness, teamwork, and ethical behavior. A strong, positive culture not only boosts morale but also drives productivity and fosters an environment of continuous improvement.

  1. Our company culture positively influences my work experience.
  2. There is a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration here.
  3. I feel that our work culture is inclusive and respects diversity.
  4. Our company values align with my personal values.
  5. The company actively promotes ethical behavior and integrity.
  6. I feel proud to be part of this organization.
  7. Our company culture supports work-life balance.
  8. Conflict is handled constructively in our work environment.
  9. The culture encourages continuous learning and development.
  10. Our company regularly acts on feedback from employees.
  11. I feel a strong sense of belonging in this company.
  12. Our company culture motivates me to contribute my best work.
  13. There is room for improvement in our company culture.

Engagement Survey Questions to Assess the Work Environment

This category looks at both the physical and psychological conditions of the workplace. Is it safe, well-equipped, and supportive of mental health? A supportive work environment is key to maintaining employee well-being and effectiveness.

  1. My work environment is safe and healthy.
  2. I have the tools and resources needed to perform my job effectively.
  3. My workplace is well-organized and conducive to productivity.
  4. My work environment supports a positive mental health.
  5. I am satisfied with the physical space in which I work.
  6. There is a good balance between quiet work areas and collaborative spaces.
  7. The company makes an effort to create a comfortable and appealing work environment.
  8. Environmental sustainability is a priority in our workplace.
  9. My work environment encourages creativity and innovation.
  10. My opinions about the work environment are considered in workplace planning.
  11. The temperature, lighting, and noise levels in my workspace are comfortable.
  12. Facilities and amenities at work meet my needs.
  13. Changes can be made to improve our work environment.

Questions on Professional Growth

This part of the survey focuses on the opportunities available for employees to grow professionally within the organization. It covers training access, support for career advancement, and clear career paths. Encouraging professional growth is vital for keeping talent and making sure employees can meet their job demands effectively.

  1. I have access to training and development that help advance my career.
  2. My job challenges me and contributes to my professional growth.
  3. I receive adequate support to pursue professional certifications or courses.
  4. The company invests in programs that help employees progress in their careers.
  5. I have had opportunities to grow into new roles within the company.
  6. My manager supports my professional development.
  7. The skills I am developing will help me in my future career goals.
  8. I am encouraged to set and pursue professional growth objectives.
  9. There are clear career paths available for employees in my role.
  10. Feedback from performance reviews has helped me develop professionally.
  11. I believe there are opportunities for promotion within the company.
  12. The company recognizes and utilizes my full potential.
  13. Professional development programs are tailored to meet employee needs.

Questions on Purpose

Finally, these questions measure how well employees understand their role's impact on the company’s goals and whether they find their work meaningful. Feeling a strong sense of purpose is linked to higher job satisfaction and overall engagement.

  1. I understand how my work contributes to the company’s goals.
  2. My job gives me a sense of personal accomplishment.
  3. The work I do is meaningful and impactful.
  4. I feel that my job makes a positive difference.
  5. The company’s mission motivates me to come to work every day.
  6. I am aware of how my role supports the company’s overall purpose.
  7. Working here aligns with my personal values and goals.
  8. I am proud to tell people where I work and what I do.
  9. I feel my job is important.
  10. The company communicates its vision and how employees are part of it effectively.
  11. There is a strong alignment between the company’s objectives and my work.
  12. My work gives me a sense of personal and professional fulfillment.
  13. Enhancing the sense of purpose in my job would increase my job satisfaction.

How Many Questions Should an Employee Engagement Survey Have?

The ideal number of questions in an employee engagement survey depends on the specific aspects your organization aims to assess. However, it's crucial to avoid overwhelming your employees, as lengthy surveys tend to reduce participation rates.

Surveys should ideally take no longer than 20 minutes to complete to maintain accuracy and prevent survey fatigue. Here are some pitfalls to avoid when designing engagement surveys:

  • Double-barreled questions: Avoid questions that address two topics at once, as they can confuse respondents.
  • Overly technical language: Use clear and simple language, steering clear of industry jargon.
  • Leading questions: Steer clear of biased questions that may lead respondents towards a particular answer, such as those starting with "Don’t you think that..." or "Don’t you agree that..."
  • Hypothetical questions: Focus on actual experiences rather than speculative or future scenarios.
  • Sensitive or personal questions: Keep questions professional to ensure employees feel comfortable providing honest feedback.
  • Overly broad questions: Specific questions yield more actionable insights. For example, replace "How is your manager?" with "How effectively does your manager communicate expectations?"

What’s the Difference Between Engagement Questions and Feedback Questions?

Engagement questions gauge an employee's emotional and intellectual commitment to their organization, assessing how connected and motivated they feel towards their work and the company.

Feedback questions, on the other hand, specifically seek input on processes, people, and the environment, aiming to gather actionable insights to improve workplace dynamics and operational efficiency.

How to Choose Your Employee Engagement Survey Vendor?

Selecting from among the best employee engagement survey vendors is crucial for obtaining valuable insights into your workforce. Here’s what to consider to ensure you choose the best provider for your needs:

  1. Customization and Options: Ensure the vendor offers a robust suite of engagement tools and the flexibility to customize them to meet your specific requirements.
  2. Ease of Use: While some initial learning is expected, the platform should be user-friendly and not overly complex to navigate.
  3. Customer Support: Given the comprehensive nature of engagement platforms, robust customer support is crucial. Evaluate the responsiveness and effectiveness of the vendor's support services.
  4. Cost: Establish a budget prior to beginning your search. This will help you narrow down potential vendors to those that offer the best value within your price range.
  5. Integration: Check for compatibility with your existing tech stack to ensure seamless integration and data flow across systems.

Next Steps

Employee engagement surveys play a key role in understanding and responding to the needs of an organization's employees. Using a comprehensive list of 101 survey questions, employers can effectively measure employee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

It is important to approach these questions with sincerity in order to listen to the feedback received and act accordingly. By addressing employee concerns and suggestions, organizations can increase employee engagement, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately achieve greater employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Remember that employee engagement is an ongoing process and these surveys are valuable tools for fostering a culture that values ​​and prioritizes workforce well-being and satisfaction.

That's where ThriveSparrow comes in. It makes the process of creating and distributing surveys a bliss.

ThriveSparrow is your all-in-one solution for conducting effective employee engagement surveys. With our user-friendly platform, you can easily customize and distribute surveys tailored to your organization's needs.

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's Survey Module
ThriveSparrow's Survey Module

Team Analytics and Dynamic Reports help you gain valuable insights from employee feedback, enabling you to make informed decisions to improve workplace engagement.

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's Dynamic Reports
ThriveSparrow's Dynamic Reports

Try it today and take the first step towards a more engaged and motivated team! Sign up for a free trail and experience the power of ThriveSparrow.

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