Human Resources (HR) has never been more important than it is today. HR experts are leading dramatic innovations that are altering work as we approach mid-2024.

Think about it: Gallup found that only 36% of US employees are engaged.

This troubling figure highlights the need for HR to lead and reimagine the employee experience.

According to HR thought leader Josh Bersin, "The human resources function is going through a renaissance, and HR teams are at the center of this transformation."

In this blog, we'll explore 5 ways to enhance, improve, and bolster engagement, and the role HRs play in boosting engagement, thereby creating a thriving work culture.

How to Enhance and Improve Employee Engagement

Employee engagement involves dedication, communication, and strategy. Engaged employees are more productive, satisfied, and super dedicated to their work. Here are some of the most effective strategies to enhance employee engagement.

1. Set Clear Objectives and Expectations

Making sure employees understand their jobs, responsibilities, and performance objectives is one of the first things to do. Clear objectives and expectations help employees follow the company's mission and vision. Employees are more engaged when they know what is expected of them since they have a purpose and direction.

Example: A retail shop manager meets with each employee to review their duties and performance goals. Cashiers understand the importance of customer service and daily transaction targets. Employee engagement is encouraged by establishing clear expectations that assist them in understanding their role in the shop's success.

2. Establish a Happy Work Environment

Open communication, respect, trust, and support are necessary for a good corporate culture. Employees will feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, worries, and constructive criticism. Employees who work in a positive environment are motivated to contribute to the success of the company and feel appreciated.

Example: Consider a marketing firm that prioritizes a healthy work environment. They hold regular team meetings where staff members discuss ideas, trade project proposals, and provide feedback. The leaders of the agency routinely solicit and act upon employee feedback. This transparent, encouraging environment encourages employee engagement.

So take regular feedback from your employees using engagement and pulse surveys. That way, you'll know your employees' concerns regarding the work environment and what can be done to improve it.

One-on-one meetings are other ways to gauge how your employees are feeling.

These methods will help you refine your efforts toward creating a positive and happy work environment.

3. Promote Skills and Career Advancement

Supporting your employees' growth and their skill development is crucial for professional advancement. This can include mentoring, seminars, and training sessions.

Your employees can't help but feel valued and envision a promising future when you prioritize their growth and development.

Example: A software company's HR department provides several career progression opportunities. They encourage employee certification and provide online technology-creation seminars. Mentors pair new joinees and beginners with experienced employees to enhance their skills and experience. As a result, these employees feel valued and see the company as a suitable career development opportunity.

4. Recognize and Appreciate Your Employees

Recognizing employees' efforts and achievements is essential for boosting engagement and productivity. Various forms of recognition like compliments, awards, bonuses, and other rewards signal appreciation.

Recognition breeds engagement. A survey by SHRM found that employee recognition programs have a positive impact on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention rates.

So appreciating and recognizing your employees helps them feel respected, motivated, and engaged.

Example: Many sales organizations run "Salesperson of the Month" programs where they review income and customer feedback monthly. The top performers are rewarded with bonuses, premium parking spots, dream vacations, and other incentives. Such recognition programs inspire the sales team by validating their hard work.

5. Promote Work-Life Balance

Employee well-being and engagement depend on work-life balance as well. Companies must actively help employees balance work and life. Remote employment, paid time off, and flexible schedules are good examples of proving work-life balance. Personal-professional management keeps people engaged and prevents burnout.

Example: Corporate HR supports work-life balance through flexible scheduling options. Employees are given the freedom to work remotely or adjust their hours to accommodate personal commitments. Additionally, the company offers paid vacation time. This flexibility helps employees harmonize their work and personal lives, reducing stress and enhancing engagement.

What Role Does HR Play in Their Employees' Engagement?

The success of many businesses depends on having engaged employees. And when we look at the companies from this aspect, the HR department plays the biggest role.

1. Hiring and Onboarding

Employee engagement begins with hiring and onboarding. HR experts recruit excellent people whose values and goals match the company's.

The right hires set the stage for elevated employee engagement. HR-managed onboarding makes new recruits feel welcome, informed, and integrated from day one. Asking the right questions in onboarding surveys help identify potential issues and growth opportunities. This leads to increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

2. Creating a Positive Workplace

HR professionals shape the workplace. This involves encouraging trust, respect, and open communication.

Every employee should feel valued and included through HR policies and practices that encourage diversity and inclusion. HR boosts engagement by promoting a positive workplace culture.

3. Development and Training

Growth and development opportunities boost employee engagement in so many ways. HR coordinates training, skill-building, and career advancement. Professional development improves employees' abilities and indicates that the company prioritizes their long-term growth and contributions.

4. Managing Performance

HR provides frequent feedback and acknowledgement through performance appraisals. When given positive criticism and recognized for their work, employees feel appreciated and driven. HR also resolves performance concerns quickly and supports workers to succeed.

5. Employee Wellness and Benefits

HR manages employee perks, which directly affect engagement. A complete benefits package, including healthcare, wellness, and work-life balance, can improve employee well-being. Employee engagement and productivity increase when their physical and mental health is encouraged.

6. Communication and Feedback

Engagement requires good communication. HR helps employees and management communicate effortlessly. HR can assess employee satisfaction and make adjustments through employee surveys, feedback, and complaint channels. Employees are more engaged when they know their thoughts count and are considered by the company.

7. Acknowledgement and Recognition

HR creates and maintains employee recognition and incentive programs. These initiatives can incorporate simple acts of appreciation beyond cash incentives. Recognized employees feel more connected to their work and company.

8. Employee Support and Conflict Resolution

Workplace conflict is inevitable. HR is crucial to dispute resolution, mediation, and employee assistance. Employees are more engaged and dedicated when their issues are treated seriously.

9. Monitoring/Adapting

HR tracks employee engagement through surveys, feedback, and data analysis. When engagement drops, HR can find out why and take action. This proactive strategy keeps engagement high during tough times.

For example, ThriveSparrow's dynamic heatmaps enable HR professionals to visualize department-wise engagement, guiding them in taking strategic steps to enhance overall engagement.

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's dynamic heatmaps.
ThriveSparrow's Dynamic Heatmaps

Stay ahead of the curve with engagement insights and real-time analytics all at one place. Try ThriveSparrow for free today and streamline and monitor your engagement activities.

10. Leadership Development

HR finds and develops team-motivating leaders. Since leaders create the tone for the organization, strong leadership at all levels promotes participation.

How ThriveSparrow Can Be a Game-Changer for your Org's Engagement

Organizational success depends on employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and dedicated, improving performance and lowering attrition. ThriveSparrow has the potential to revolutionize employee engagement. ThriveSparrow provides an employee experience ecosystem where organizations can manage and transform employee engagement completely.

Streamlined feedback: ThriveSparrow simplifies employee feedback and engagement assessments through surveys and real-time feedback.

Example: A major IT firm uses ThriveSparrow's Engage module for sharing and analyzing regular engagement surveys and results, enabling HR to resolve issues promptly.

Rewards and recognition: ThriveSparrow's "Kudos" module fosters an appreciation culture, inspiring success.

Example: Client service teams use Kudos to praise colleagues, enhancing engagement and customer happiness.

Custom surveys: Conduct tailored engagement surveys for in-depth insights. Get started quickly by choosing questions from a library of research-backed question banks.

Example: A healthcare firm creates work-life balance surveys, managing engagement concerns among healthcare providers.

Create a culture of appreciation: Kudos promotes appreciation, improving teamwork and project performance.

Example: Marketing teams utilize kudos for recognizing creativity, enhancing collaboration and client satisfaction.

A screenshot of ThriveSparrow's Recognition Channel
ThriveSparrow's Recognition Channel

Facilitate appreciation among your employees that aligns with your Org values, and foster a happy and collaborative work environment. Try ThriveSparrow for free and watch your org's engagement levels skyrocket.

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The Future of HR and Employee Engagement

As workplaces evolve, HR faces both opportunities and challenges in employee engagement.

Embracing technology, wellness, diversity, and inclusion is crucial for HR professionals. Prioritizing feedback and growth is essential for empowering employees.

The future of any organization hinges on actively engaging and empowering its staff.

By fostering participation, HR departments can enhance growth, resilience, and innovation, shaping successful workplaces that positively impact both individuals and businesses in a rapidly changing environment.