Employee pulse surveys aren't conducted once or twice a year, but on a regular basis.

These surveys enable you to collect feedback and gauge the pulse of your employees quickly.

They aren't here to replace the comprehensive annual employee engagement survey but to address immediate, pressing concerns and unique needs swiftly.

Pulse surveys help you get a quick snapshot of your employees, and this blog covers 101 pulse survey questions.

The Anatomy of an Employee Pulse Survey

Employee pulse surveys are a streamlined and dynamic approach to capturing the immediate sentiments of your workforce.

Unlike annual employee engagement surveys, pulse surveys are concise, conducted frequently, and are focused on specific topics.

This allows organizations to "take the pulse" of their employees' feelings and attitudes towards various aspects of their work life in real-time.

A typical pulse survey consists of a few carefully selected questions designed to be completed in just a few minutes.

These surveys utilize a fixed measurement scale, like the five-point Likert scale, which ranges from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree," or any other quantification like "very dissatisfied" to "very satisfied".

This standardization is key to producing measurable, actionable data that can guide immediate improvements within the organization.

How to Choose Topics and Frame Questions for Employee Pulse Surveys

1. Choosing Topics

The first step in designing an effective pulse survey is selecting topics (we call them reporting factors) that are both relevant and timely for your organization.

Choose topics that are related to your organization's current initiatives, recent changes, or areas of 'known concern' within the company.

For example, if your organization has recently shifted to remote work, you might focus on topics related to communication effectiveness, work-life balance, or the adequacy of home office setups.

When selecting topics, consider

  1. Current events
  2. Organizational goals
  3. Previous responses from employee feedback surveys

2. Framing Questions

Crafting the right questions is crucial to obtaining meaningful insights from your pulse surveys. Questions must be specific, clear, and neutral to avoid leading responses in a particular direction.

  • Be Specific: Vague questions yield vague answers. Focus on specific aspects of a topic to get actionable feedback. Instead of asking, "Are you happy at work?" consider, "How satisfied are you with your current projects?"
  • Ensure Clarity: Questions should be easily understandable without room for interpretation. This means avoiding jargon and complex wording.
  • Avoid Leading Questions: Ensure questions are framed neutrally to avoid biasing responses. For example, instead of asking, "Don’t you think our new communication tool is helpful?" you could ask, "How helpful have you found the new communication tool?"

Additionally, framing questions to be answered on a fixed scale (e.g., the Likert scale) allows for consistency in responses, making it easier to track changes over time.

However, consider including open-ended questions for more nuanced feedback, as they can reveal insights that fixed-response options might miss.

101 Pulse Survey Questions for You to Choose From

We've segregated these questions into various topics for your ready-use, so you can just copy and paste these questions onto your pulse survey.

Free-to-Use Pulse Survey Questions on Work Satisfaction

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More questions on work satisfaction.

  1. How satisfied are you with your current job?  
  2. Do you feel that your work is meaningful and contributes to the company's goals?
  3. How well do you think your job utilizes your skills and abilities?
  4. Are you satisfied with the level of challenge your work provides?
  5. How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for your work?
  6. Are you satisfied with the opportunities for professional growth and development in your role?
  7. How satisfied are you with the support and resources provided to perform your job effectively?
  8. Do you feel valued by your team and the company as a whole?

Questions on Work-Life Balance

  1. How would you describe your work-life balance lately?
  2. How well do our flexible work policies fit into your life outside of work?
  3. How much does your work spill over into your personal or family time?
  4. When you need a break for your well-being, how easy is it to take time off?
  5. How often do you find yourself working beyond regular hours?
  6. How do you feel about our remote work policies in supporting your balance between work and life?
  7. Do you feel the company has your back when it comes to balancing work and personal life?
  8. Have feelings of burnout touched base with you in the past 6 months because of work?
  9. Does your manager seem to understand and support work-life balance?
  10. If we were to introduce more support for work-life balance, how valuable would that be for you?

Employee Pulse Survey Questions on Compensation and Benefits

  1. How do you feel about the fairness of your compensation compared to the market?
  2. How satisfied are you with the health benefits we offer?
  3. When it comes to perks and extras (like gym memberships, work from home allowances), how valuable are they to you?
  4. Considering the overall compensation package, including bonuses and raises, how adequately do you think it rewards your contribution to the company?
  5. How confident are you in understanding how your compensation is determined?
  6. Rate how well you think the company communicates changes or updates to benefits and compensation.
  7. Reflecting on work-life benefits (such as parental leave, flexible hours), how well do they support your personal needs?
  8. How would you rate the competitiveness of our total compensation package within our industry?

Questions on HR Support and Resources

  1. How would you rate the accessibility and responsiveness of our HR team when you need support?
  2. Thinking about our onboarding process, how well prepared did it make you feel for your role here?
  3. When it comes to understanding your benefits, how clear and helpful are the resources provided by HR?
  4. Reflecting on any HR-led training programs you've participated in, how relevant and effective have they been for your development?
  5. Considering the tools and technology provided for your job, how satisfied are you with what HR has equipped you with?
  6. Rate how well HR communicates important company policies and changes that affect you.
  7. How supported do you feel by HR in addressing work-related issues or concerns?
  8. When thinking about career advancement opportunities, how helpful has HR been in guiding or providing the necessary resources?
  9. Reflecting on your overall experience with HR, how well do they contribute to a positive work environment?

Onboarding Experience

  1. How supportive were your colleagues and manager during your onboarding process?
  2. How clear were the expectations set for you during onboarding?
  3. How well did the onboarding process integrate you into your team?
  4. Reflecting on the technology and tools access, how smooth was the setup for your work needs?
  5. How adequately did HR address your questions and concerns during onboarding?
  6. Overall, how would you rate your onboarding experience in setting you up for success at the company?
  7. How effectively were you introduced to the company's culture and values during your onboarding?
  8. How would you describe the overall communication from your team and HR throughout the onboarding process?

Post-Training Questions

  1. How relevant was the training content to your current role and responsibilities?
  2. Rate the effectiveness of the training facilitator in engaging and communicating with participants.
  3. How well do you feel the training prepared you to apply new skills or knowledge in your job?
  4. Rate the opportunity the training provided for interactive learning and participation.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend this training to a colleague?
  6. How would you rate the practical applicability of the skills learned in the training to your day-to-day tasks?
  7. Reflecting on post-training support, how accessible were resources or help for questions that arose after the training?
  8. How effectively did the training address current trends or updates relevant to your role or industry?

Diversity and Inclusion Pulse Survey Questions

  1. How well do you think our company fosters an inclusive workplace environment?
  2. Reflecting on your experience, how valued do you feel your unique perspectives are in team discussions?
  3. How confident are you in the company's commitment to promoting diversity at all levels?
  4. Rate how effectively our company addresses and prevents discrimination and bias.
  5. How comfortable do you feel raising concerns related to diversity and inclusion?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do our training and development programs support diversity and inclusion?
  7. How inclusive do you find the social and networking opportunities provided by the company?
  8. Reflecting on leadership and management, how well do they represent and support diversity?
  9. Considering recruitment and hiring practices, how confident are you in their fairness and inclusivity?
  10. Overall, how would you rate the sense of belonging you feel within our company community?

Employee Pulse Survey Questions on Change Management

  1. How well do you think the company communicates upcoming changes to its employees?
  2. On a scale from 1 to 5, how effectively are changes implemented within our organization?
  3. How supported do you feel during periods of significant change at work?
  4. Rate your confidence in the company's strategy for managing and adapting to change.
  5. Reflecting on recent changes, how well do you understand the reasons behind them?
  6. How comfortable do you feel voicing your opinions or concerns about changes in the company?
  7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you think change is managed in a way that considers employee feedback?
  8. How confident are you in the leadership's ability to navigate the company through changes?
  9. Considering the resources provided, how adequately are you equipped to adapt to changes?
  10. Overall, how would you rate your experience with change management in the organization?

Corporate Social Responsibility

  1. How aware are you of our company's CSR initiatives and goals?
  2. On a scale from 1 to 5, how well do you think our CSR efforts align with our company values?
  3. How effectively do you think our company communicates its CSR activities to employees?
  4. Rate your level of participation in any of the company's CSR programs.
  5. How proud are you to work for a company that is committed to CSR?
  6. Reflecting on our CSR impact, how positive an impact do you think our company has on the community and environment?
  7. How well do our CSR initiatives create a sense of purpose in your job?
  8. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you think our CSR efforts influence customer and employee perception of the company?
  9. Considering the resources allocated, how adequately do you think our company supports its CSR programs?
  10. Overall, how would you rate the effectiveness of our company's approach to CSR?

Manager Effectiveness

  1. How effectively does your manager communicate team goals and expectations?
  2. Rate your manager's ability to provide constructive feedback that helps you grow.
  3. How supported do you feel by your manager in achieving your career aspirations?
  4. On a scale from 1 to 5, how well does your manager handle team conflicts and issues?
  5. How approachable and available is your manager for questions and support?
  6. Reflecting on your experiences, how well does your manager recognize and appreciate your contributions?
  7. Rate how effectively your manager fosters a positive and inclusive team environment.
  8. How confident are you in your manager's decision-making abilities?
  9. Considering your professional development, how actively does your manager offer opportunities for learning and advancement?
  10. Overall, how would you rate your manager's effectiveness in leading and managing the team?

Team Dynamics

  1. How would you rate the level of collaboration within your team?
  2. Rate how openly team members share knowledge and resources with each other.
  3. How comfortable do you feel giving and receiving feedback from your coworkers?
  4. On a scale from 1 to 5, how effectively do you think your team resolves conflicts?
  5. Reflecting on your team meetings, how productive and inclusive do you find them?
  6. How much do you trust your team members to support your work and contributions?
  7. Rate your satisfaction with the communication channels and processes within your team.
  8. Considering the diversity of ideas and perspectives, how well does your team integrate these into decision-making?
  9. On a scale of 1 to 5, how strong is the sense of camaraderie and support among team members?
  10. Overall, how would you rate the health and functionality of your team dynamics?

Check out more in our library of employee survey templates on job satisfaction, change management, career development, and much more.

If you're looking for a ready-to-use platform to plug your questions in, ThriveSparrow might be a product that you'd want to look into.

Elevate your employee pulse surveys effortlessly with ThriveSparrow and gain valuable insights for your organization's success.

ThriveSparrow's Survey Builder
ThriveSparrow's Survey Builder lets you add desired questions with ease and configure cut-off dates, choose participants, and automate report generation.

Run pulse survey with ease, and schedule reports to top executives when you want. Sign up now for free.

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To Sum Up

Employee pulse survey questions are a valuable tool for organizations to gather frequent feedback from employees. These surveys are shorter than engagement surveys and can be conducted on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.

When creating pulse survey questions, it's important to focus on questions that are relevant to all respondents. In addition, questions should be action-oriented and avoid topics that cannot be answered.

We hope this list of 101 questions help you choose a range of topics such as job satisfaction, and work-life balance, and adapt and implement them according to the specific needs and goals of your organization.