Are you prepared to discover the key to a successful workplace? The area of employee incentives and engagement is the only place to look! In this blog, we'll examine the best Vantage Circle alternatives that will transform the way you reward and inspire your staff.

Are Employee Rewards and Engagement that Important?

Absolutely! For many reasons, employee incentives and engagement are quite essential. Imagine a workplace where workers are inspired by, connected to, and appreciated by their job and coworkers. Right, that sounds like a dream. Indeed, that is what efforts for incentives and engagement aim to do.

When employees are recognized and given prizes for their efforts, it improves their sense of achievement and morale. It's like getting a "Hey, you're doing great!" pat on the back. They remain motivated and content in their jobs because of this encouragement.  Productivity rises because motivated staff members are more willing to exert extra effort. They are more likely to be excited about their work and produce more when encouraged and acknowledged. It's like a fantastic domino effect!

Top 10 Vantage Circle Alternatives for Employee Rewards and Engagement

Vantage Circle has earned a name for itself when it comes to employee incentive and recognition, but there are many more great solutions that may liven up your workplace.

Let's explore each alternative in detail, from tools that promote an appreciation culture to those that provide special incentives and experiences. 

1. ThriveSparrow

ThriveSparrow's Kudos landing page

ThriveSparrow is a comprehensive employee success platform that enhances employee engagement and fosters a culture of appreciation. ThriveSparrow's Kudos module transforms the way you acknowledge team accomplishments. It's a tool that allows you to instantly recognize and reward your team, regardless of location. This feature makes recognition both fun and impactful, contributing significantly to a culture that your teams will cherish and thrive in.

Designed with HR professionals in mind, the platform offers a range of features to help build a productive and happy workforce.

  • Comprehensive surveys: Use diverse employee surveys to gauge the pulse of your organization with research-backed question banks.
  • Integrated recognition platform: Foster a culture of gratitude with the Kudos module with the help of appreciation points that can be redeemed for rewards.
ThriveSparrow's Kudos Module
ThriveSparrow's Kudos Module
  • Actionable analytics: Dive deep into engagement metrics and make informed decisions.
  • Dynamic reward system: Offer a range of meaningful rewards, ensuring each recognition feels personal and valuable to your team.
  • Align with the company's mission: Encourage employees to internalize and demonstrate company values, promoting a unified work environment.


ThriveSparrow gives you access to a 14-day free trial.

The platform is built on 3 core modules. Here's the breakdown of each one billed annually.

Engage: $3/month/employee

Kudos: $2/month/employee

Performance: $5/month/employee

Make recognition a part of your everyday goals to foster a thriving workplace. Sign up for a free trial today.

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2. Bonusly

A screenshot of Bonusly's homepage

Bonusly revolutionizes workplace culture by enabling easy and meaningful peer-to-peer recognition. It’s an employee recognition solution that transforms recognition into instant rewards and fosters a positive work environment. In comparison to Vantage Circle, Bonusly excels in the following four areas:

  • Simple and user-friendly: Bonusly provides a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for staff members to recognize and reward their coworkers. Its user-friendly design encourages broad adoption and easy incorporation into routines.
  • Features of social recognition: Bonusly places a strong emphasis on social acknowledgment, allowing users to publicly recognize the efforts of their peers. 
  • Adaptation to widely used communication channels: Real-time recognition is made possible by integrations for Microsoft Teams, Slack, and others, which makes it simple for staff members to recognize successes using already-established channels.
  • Focus on peer-to-peer appreciation: Bonusly promotes peer-to-peer appreciation, enabling staff members to express their gratitude to one another in person. 


Here are Bonusly's pricing plans, billed annually.

Core: $2.70/user/month

Pro: $4.50/user/month

Custom: For mid-size to large organizations. Book a demo or contact sales to obtain the pricing details.

3. Awardco

A screenshot of Awardco's landing page

Awardco is a platform for employee recognition and engagement that provides a complete approach to rewarding staff members. It streamlines the administration of awards and offers a variety of choices for tailoring the experience for each individual employee. In comparison to Vantage Circle, Awardco stands apart for the following reasons:

  • Extensive reward selection: A wide variety of prizes are available from Awardco, including gift cards, products, experiences, and even charity donations. 
  • Customization and personalization: Awardco enables businesses to create incentive strategies that are in line with their distinctive cultures and brands. 
  • Ability to effortlessly link with numerous HR systems: Awardco's integration features make it simpler to handle awards and recognition within current procedures. 
  • Data-driven insights: Awardco offers advanced analytics and reporting options that give useful information about employee engagement, trends in prize redemption, and program success. 

Awardco has 2 SMB plans,

Lite: $2500/year

Go: $4000/year

The plans for Enterprise level companies requires a custom quote.

4. Kudos

A screenshot of Kudos' homepage

Kudos is an incredible employee recognition and engagement tool for companies. It gives coworkers a forum to publicly recognize one another for great work. And let us tell you, when compared to Vantage Circle, Kudos wins hands down. This is why:

  • Peer-to-peer recognition: Kudos is all about peer-to-peer recognition. It draws attention to the fantastic work your peers are doing and inspires everyone to support one another. 
  • Social Engagement: Kudos sprinkles in some social engagement components. Employees may bond over their accomplishments and exchange experiences in a virtual hangout-like environment. 
  • Super customization: One feature that genuinely distinguishes Kudos is its ability to be customized. You see, Kudos enables you to customize your recognition campaigns to fit the specific culture and values of your business. 
  • Data and insights: Kudos has some unique performance data and insights up its sleeve. It's like having your own private investigator, finding out important facts regarding top achievers and recognition trends. 


The pricing isn't available, so you'll need to get in touch with them or book a demo.

Not convinced about the platform? Check out the top Kudos alternatives.

5. Guusto

A screenshot of Guusto's homepage

Guusto is more than just an employee recognition platform. It's a versatile tool designed to resonate with every employee, from those on the frontline to the corporate desk, making it ideal for sectors like healthcare, retail, and hospitality.

  • Benefits integration: Guusto goes beyond the fundamentals. With its seamless integration with employee benefits administration, you may mix rewards and incentives with other fantastic advantages. 
  • Payroll-linked rewards: Guusto is skilled at enhancing the appeal of payday. Businesses may immediately attach bonuses or incentives to regular pay thanks to its payroll-linked rewards function. 
  • Employee self-service: The icing on the cake is that Guusto provides employees leverage! Employees may take control and set their own incentive choices thanks to the platform's user-friendly interface. They are in charge, and that personalized touch greatly increases engagement and fosters a feeling of ownership.
  • Compliance and security: Gusto is the Fort Knox of data security and compliance. It has all the required safeguards in place to keep information on employee incentives and engagement secure.


Guusto provides 4 plans,

Free: $0/month

Lite: $40/month

Essential: $80/month (Starts with 20 seats)

Premium: $400/month (Starts with 80 seats)

6. Workvivo

A screenshot of Workvivo's homepage

Workvivo is a top-rated employee experience platform that simplifies communication and drives engagement, creating a vibrant and connected workplace culture every day. What makes Workvivo stand out from the competition and surpass Vantage Circle is as follows:

  • Social intranet and communication: Workvivo is not your typical intranet. It serves as a social gathering place for staff members where they may exchange information and commemorate successes. 
  • Employee-driven content creation: Workvivo gives workers control. They may produce their own material, including coworker gratitude messages, success stories, and postings of recognition. 
  • Mobile-first experience: Workvivo rejects the concept of borders. Employees may stay connected and involved wherever they are thanks to the company's mobile app. 
  • Integration capabilities: I almost forgot to include integration. Workvivo integrates easily into your current software environment and gets along well with other tools and systems. 


The pricing isn't available currently, so you'll need to contact the Sales team.

7. Fond

A screenshot of Fond's homepage

Fond is an innovative recognition and rewards platform that transforms workplace cultures. Trusted by leading brands, Fond makes it easy to create a culture of appreciation and achievement.

  • Custom-tailored experience: Offering a uniquely personalized experience is the core of Fond. It's comparable to having a rewards system that is especially tailored to the tastes of your workforce. 
  • Sense of community: Fond revolves around creating a sense of belonging and community. Employees may share their successes and accomplishments on a platform provided by Fond, transforming the workplace into a lively stage. 
  • Extra savings: Fond goes above and beyond to help you save money. Your office will become a shopper's paradise because of the exclusive discounts and cashback opportunities it offers.
  • Appreciation and gratitude: By making it simple for staff members to acknowledge and value one another's contributions, Fond promotes a culture of appreciation. 


You can request a demo and contact their Sales team to know the pricing.

8. Nectar

A screenshot of Nectar's homepage

Nectar is an employee recognition platform that creates a culture people love. With Nectar, you can easily integrate core values into daily work, incentivize with redeemable points, and see tangible improvements in engagement and morale. It's the new way to bring frequent, meaningful recognition right into the heart of your company's DNA, boosting both participation and employee satisfaction.

  • Mystery and excitement: First off, the whole point of Nectar is to generate excitement. Employees may earn points for their dedication and use them to purchase incredible gifts in this hive-like environment of incentives and recognition.
  • Extra benefits: The best aspect of Nectar, though, is that it offers extra benefits. It's like a gold mine of opportunities, with a diverse selection of prizes to suit every preference. With bespoke snacks, gift cards, and experiences, Nectar makes sure there is something for everyone. 
  • Personalized recommendations: Based on the tastes and interests of the employees, it provides tailored recommendations.
  • Send shoutouts: Enables managers and employees to recognize and celebrate accomplishments in real-time.
  • Company core values integration: Helps operationalize core values, making them a fundamental part of the company's DNA.


Nectar offers 2 pricing plans billed annually,

Standard: $2.75/user/month

Plus: $4/user/month

9. Lattice

A screenshot of Lattice's homepage

It's a comprehensive platform that not only identifies and nurtures top talent but also smartly links compensation to performance. With a focus on employee growth and engagement, Lattice is the perfect tool for those who want to drive accountability and align teams with business goals in a straightforward, effective way. Here's a glimpse of what Lattice offers.

  • Employee empowerment: Lattice is primarily focused on empowering its people. It functions like a conductor's baton, allowing staff members to acknowledge and reward the excellent work of their fellow employees. 
  • Performance management: Identify and nurture your top talent. Lattice provides the tools to recognize high performers and set every team member up for success.
  • Compensation alignment: Seamlessly link performance with compensation, ensuring your top achievers are rewarded appropriately.
  • Insightful analytics: Harness the power of data to make informed, strategic decisions about your people.
  • OKRs & goals: Keep your teams focused on what matters most, aligning them with the organization's key objectives.


Lattice has 3 plans,

Engagement plan: +$4 person/month

Grow plan: +$4 person/month

Compensation plan: +$6 person/month

10. Motivosity

A screenshot of Motivosity's homepage

Motivosity stands at the forefront of modern employee experience management, offering much more than just rewards. It's a comprehensive software designed to create a culture where employees feel deeply connected and valued. Here's how Motivosity is changing the game:

  • Appreciation-based society: Motivosity is all about promoting an appreciation-based society. Similar to a cheerleading squad, it encourages staff members to acknowledge and honor one another's accomplishments. 
  • Elevated engagement: With its social elements, Motivosity elevates engagement. Similar to a virtual hangout, it allows staff members to communicate, exchange ideas, and work together.
  • Personalization: Motivosity gives individualized rewards since it is aware that each employee is different. 
  • Transparent feedback: Motivosity fosters continuing interactions that go beyond the superficial level. Employees can express their opinions, provide comments, and provide feedback in a manner similar to an open discussion. 


Pricing for this platform starts at $2.

Recognition Rewards, Manager Development, and Employee Insights are all add-ons that are priced at $2 each as well.

Which one is your pick?

There are many amazing options to consider when it comes to employee rewards and engagement. Whether you decide on Kudos, Bonusly, Guusto, Fond, or any other platform, the important thing is to select one that complements the culture and values of your company. Always keep in mind that it's not only about the tools themselves but also about how they empower your staff, promote gratitude, and develop a pleasant work atmosphere. If you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices available to you, ping ThriveSparrow. We will help you decipher your employee engagement needs and help you find the best tool that compliments your specific needs.